“In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch”. – Psalm 5:3
How to make time for God in our busy life and schedules?
Well, I don’t know about you, but half the time I have trouble even finding time to say a small prayer when I am really busy with work or blogging, and I always feel bad about the lack of commitment that I have in God which encourages me to want to make God a priority in my life. Have you ever felt the same way–a way in which you would like to make God a priority, but you just don’t see how that is possible–here are some tips for you.
Finding yourself in Christ means a lot more than it appears. God has created every one of us for a purpose to be fulfilled here on earth and until we begin to live the way God wants us to, we will never find that purpose. Jesus told us that “you have to lose yourself in other to find yourself.” This could seem paradoxical to your ears but have you sat down to think and meditate on what He meant by this statement.
[Matthew 10:39] “He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”
It is seriously funny how the first time I heard the phrase salty it was a term used to roast your friends and make jokes but these jokes are usually not very good to some effect. I know this because a lot of people that did not make it into my life this year would use this word behind my back on Facebook.