Are you discovering your spiritual gifts and putting them to good use? If you have been procrastinating, well you are missing out as this one of the most exciting adventures a person can have with God.

The Bible says spiritual gifts are abilities God bestows on every believer for the common good of the body of Christ. They’re a large part of the answer to the question, “What should I do with the life God gave me?”
We all know that very spiritual gift is a reflection of God’s nature that we carry within us. And because our spiritual gift reflects God’s design and direction for our lives, we find great passion, joy, and satisfaction in expressing it.
Today I going to share tips to help you to find your spiritual path with God. 
Understand Your Calling as a Child of God
The reality is, God has revealed most of His will to us in His Word already.
All Christians are “called to be saints” (Romans 1:7). In fact, the word “church” in the original Greek refers to those “called out”—in a spiritual sense, called out of the world to God. So every Christian has a divine purpose: “to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Ephesians 4:1). We have a purpose as servants of Christ to carry out the instructions He left with His apostles—to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples in all the nations of the world (Matthew 28:19-20).
Notice the things that energise you and seem to come naturally. 
Every spiritual gift gives off clues. Your spiritual gift will cause you to react a certain way in a given situation. If there’s a problem, people with the spiritual gift of shepherding will be immediately concerned that people are cared for and growing in Christ-likeness as a result of the issue. Those with the gift of intercession (prayer) will immediately say, “We need to pray about this,” while those with a leadership gift will begin looking at solutions for the problem.
Identify Your Spiritual Gifts
Discovering God’s will and calling at a personal level can be a little more challenging.
A good place to start is by identifying your spiritual gift(s). God has created each of us with special talents and abilities, but He’s also given us unique gifts powered by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:11). Our spiritual gifts are a serious indicator of what God expects us to do for Him (Romans 12:4-8).
The best way to identify your spiritual gift is to start serving in various capacities. What brings you joy? Where are you bearing fruit? Seek out ways to minister within your church and community. Be sure to get counsel from others about the effectiveness of your ministry—if you are sure you know your spiritual gift(s), there should be other, wise believers that agree.
Exercise your options
Once you’ve gathered enough information to create a list of some possible gifts (perhaps gifts of mercy, evangelism, encouragement, or hospitality), exercise your options. A great place to start would be a volunteer position at your church. While you’re trying it out, you’ll start to discern whether you’re good at it or not. Also, others will tell you!
In 2 Timothy 1:6, the apostle Paul encourages Timothy to “fan into flame the gift of God.” We’re responsible to develop our gifts. Perhaps one of the best ways to do that is to mentor someone who’s just starting on this discovery process. People with the spiritual gift of wisdom are probably the best people to develop someone else with the spiritual gift of wisdom, and so on for each of the gifts.
Live Actively, Not Passively
Don’t wait for God to show you His personal will. Assume that you are in His will today and that He will guide you and reveal more as you walk with Him. That means it’s time to take action.
Many of us wish God would send us a letter in the mail detailing the next five years. And even though we know He won’t, we can waste our energy sitting around waiting for that clear “sign.” Or worse, allow other people to control and direct the course of our life. But we were each designed to actively fulfill a unique purpose during our time on earth—one that both glorifies our Father and brings us great joy!
When God gives us the direction we seek, we need to be faithful stewards of that will and act on it. It is God’s responsibility to show us His will for our life and our responsibility to nurture His calling and perfect it for His glory.
Challenge yourself to pursue His will and perfect it for His glory as you embark on this new year.















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