Advertisement and Sponsorship
Advertising on Model Savings Blogging is as easy as one two three! however It is on a Limited amount of space on the blog! If you would like to advertise and feel that my blog would be a great fit for you please contact me @
I accept products for outfit posts or reviews, that I personally choose. This is on a case by case basis and is limited in quantity. Please note,I will give my honest opinion, in a manner that is professional that is my commitment to readers, and the products will not be returned once the review is completed.
Give Aways:
I would love to do giveaways for people, who wish to have me do a giveaway! giveaways will be done using rafflecopter, so if you wish to have me do a giveaway please let me know!
Guest Posts:
I am currently looking for people to write guest posts, and would love to have people be apart of the growing blog that I will enjoy creating! for more information on how to be apart of Model Savings please write me at @
Side Bar Buttons:
I will glady promote any side bar buttons, in return for showing mine on your site. I will also follow your blog as long as you do the same. I want to meet others, and make new friendships with others, connecting with active, engaged bloggers, models and others!
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